Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'll NEVER complain about Singapore ISPs EVER AGAIN

Seriously. It shows my pathetic myopic sight when I was flaming Singnet/Starhub (commonly known as crapnet and slowhub, among others).

When it rains here, there's no internet.

When it is peak hours, there is no internet.

WTF. Is this 1997?

And, I think I can't blame my administrator(The landlord) unless I have more concrete proof. I've done some research myself, and unlike my roomies who simply blame the admin for throttling the network or something like that, I actually believe him.

Some what.

Because a tracert can easily show that I cannot connect to the net, even though I can connect to the modem. Pings time out, or if they do get a reply, it's way over 100ms. (Normally, it takes at most, 10ms).

Really, this is shit. Blame my remote outback Ipswich. LoL.

The problem I have is that the telephone company which the land lines are connected to, is a rather rubbish one. Just check out the aussie forums on ISPs (Whirlpool, for one), and you see lots of people flaming Telstar.

Well, Telstar wants to put fibre optic cables around the entire island (We are using copper cables here. COPPER CABLES, FFS!). However, their intention is to take control of the entire internet service, something like what Singnet has done (Singnet holds like, 90% of the ASDL2+ service in Singapore. Starhub goes cable).

However, as usual, the government screws around, and tells them they can't do that, and if they put fibre optics, they have to sell their access to the rest of the ISPs, like what it is doing now, to ensure fair competition and not a monopoly.


No fibre optics for me. Blah.

The only place with decent internet access is the University, which has wireless around the campus which links it straight to the main campus in St Lucia (where I'm hopefully going next year. LoL. But it makes no difference now. Year one courses are taught in both campuses). In St Lucia, they have a mainframe which allows them direct access into the internet.

However, with 150mb download quota, I'll probably exceed that in an hour or so. Maybe even 15 minutes.

And speaking of download quota, most aussie internet plans have a download quota. So, the more you pay, the more you get to download, despite the very fact that your speed is the same as your neighbour, who opted for a lesser option because he does not play WoW or DOTA every night.

So, it's like, $20 for 100mb, $40 for maybe 1 gig, $60 for 10gig.

And $100 plus for some gay 20gb. More if you want unlimited.

And oh, did I say that the speeds are 1500/256 Kbps? (KILOBITS, not even Kilobytes.)


One other option is to switch to Optus, who plays with cable instead, so it's a little more stable. However, the prices isn't exactly fantastic, and you need to do a set up box and all that crap, and they put you on contract for a year or two, depending on your plan.

I will never complain about Singapore ISPs again (although I still feel that they are overpricing it. XD).

Damn. I miss my DOTA.


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